Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Just when I thought life would ease up from one class ending, I am dealt a blow. My most reliable employee injured herself playing softball and has two fractures in her arm on her dominant hand. She's likely to be out of work for four weeks (if she doesn't need surgery). Did I mention she's the bookkeeper and business manager? As it is, I was trying to carve out two days next month from my already packed workload to rebuild a database. Yes, rebuild. As in every field, every script, every layout from scratch. My job is already enough work for one and a half people. Now I get to sub for my business manager, too. Joy.

So, if you don't see me at the cafe working on the amazing workload from my Organizational Behavior class for the prof who knows how to lay on the work, then I'll probably be at my office working for the organization that knows how to work me to the bone.

And if I'm not either of those places I'll be at home with my often cranky 4yo and my beautiful wife who marches on in the job search despite her despair and the now two housemates (one in the spare room and one on the couch).

Here's my excuse for not posting in a while. Whattup with the rest of the group?


Blogger GoGo said...

Its Mars...I mean this whole Mars getting bigger in astrology the side effect is many broken bones...look around...there is a high number of broken bones around.

Its BS, but that makes #11 of people in my circle connections that have had someone break something.

Tue Jul 26, 03:17:00 PM EDT  

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